At Churchfield we teach History and Geography through topics and key questions. These topics link with our English, DT and Art projects. Our Geography and History teaching aims to equip our children with a working knowledge of local, national and international landscapes and a clear and coherent understanding of British and global history, and how this relates to us as compassionate and thankful members of society. By teaching our children to ask relevant questions, develop their perspective and judgement skills, we aim to ensure their skills to identify the challenges of our times and how to effectively overcome these with endurance as they develop as individuals.
We use many local and further afield amenities to support our teaching. Hands on visits and activities enable the children to place events and places in context. Our topic curriculum has been designed to celebrate and respect the many wonderful and diverse cultures and influences we have in Cheshunt.
SEND and Humanities
For those children within the academy that have SEND, Humanities can be a valuable way for the children to develop a passion about past events, people and the world around them. The children are able to explore the past and the world using scaffolds, visual prompts or sentence starters in a variety of ways.
Due to our cross-curriculum learning, children are able to use iPads/chrome books and Purple Mash for gaining information and assessing their understanding. The learning is carefully differentiated to meet the needs of individual children. Through using the topic loan boxes from local museums and termly trips, children get to handle artefacts and have a hands on experience with Humanities.