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Churchfield CE Academy

In Deo Speramus

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At Churchfield CE Academy, we believe that RE is an important curriculum subject. Our enriching curriculum helps our children throughout all the key stages to develop their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural compass in our local community and the wider world, bringing a deep sense of community cohesion.  Our curriculum provides a space for learning about people, cultures, and faiths. Most importantly, it helps them embrace, tolerate, understand and appreciate others’ beliefs and values.

At Churchfield, we exceed the breadth of the National Curriculum, we adhere to the guidance of the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus, but we also adjust the plans to reflect the high standards we expect from our pupils.  The Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) has approved the Hertfordshire Agreed Syllabus curriculum, which is also flexible and allows us to go beyond the scope of their suggestions. Our adapted scheme of work allows our children to open their minds and leads to a deeper understanding and greater awareness of the world and global challenges.



For those children within the academy that have SEND, RE can be a valuable way for the children to explore with their peers different beliefs and cultures. Through using a range of visual aids, ICT and cultural resources, children develop their curiosity and understanding. The children are able to explore the different cultures and believes through the use of scaffolds, visual prompts or sentence starters in a variety of ways. The learning is carefully differentiated to meet the needs of individual children. RE is linked to other subject areas such as Geography, English and computing where children use iPads and Purple Mash for gaining information and assessing their understanding. 
