“The important thing is to never stop questioning.”
Albert Einstein
Here at Churchfield we want children to question everything! Science gives children the opportunity to explore the world around them, reflecting on forces that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the world. Additionally, children are encouraged to think for themselves; then plan, develop and expand their ideas with experimentation and evaluation. We use the Plymouth Science scheme to ensure careful sequencing and delivery of a full knowledge-based content of the Primary National Curriculum from EYFS to Year 6.
Science and SEND
For those children at Churchfield who have SEND, Science is a valuable subject. By using a range of child led inquiries, children are able to explore the world around them. Teachers ensure that there are scaffolds for children needing them, for example visual prompts or sentence starters and learning is differentiated to meet the needs of individual children. Children are able to take ownership of their learning when they are answering their own questions and can use resources such as talking tins (which record speech) to record this. With a hands on approach to apply scientific knowledge, children are able to develop their understanding when they see the science come alive. Science is linked to other curriculum subjects such as Computing where children use iPads and Purple Mash for recording, such as making graphs and recording their investigations.